Grants and Awards

Most of my funded projects involve mobile app development or web design projects. Many of these projects include or support student involvement. The awards I've been fortunate enough to receive are listed at the bottom:


Development of the Shale Gas Knowledge Hub. Richard King Mellon Foundation. 2015.

The Eyes of the Beholder: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Aesthetics. President’s Discretionary Fund Grant. Washington & Jefferson College. 2014.

Developing a Field Data Collection Framework: Creating Apps for Archaeology and Biology. Motorola Mobility Foundation. 2012.

Understanding Archaeology through Digital Imagery. The Kenneth M. Mason, Sr. Summer Grant for Faculty Research. 2012.

Learning with Mobile Technologies: Introducing Mobile Computing into an Interdisciplinary Curriculum. Dean's Fund for Innovation and Development. Washington & Jefferson College. 2011.

Mobile App Development: Creating Coursework in Computing Education. Dean's Fund for Innovation and Development. Washington & Jefferson College. 2010.

Diversity in Information Technology: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Encouraging Entry to the Field. Presidential Entrepreneurial Fund. Washington & Jefferson College. 2006.

Scholar-in-Residence. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center. 2006.

Digital Archaeology: A Faculty/Student Research Opportunity in the American Southwest. Presidential Entrepreneurial Fund. Washington & Jefferson College. 2005.

Crow Canyon Research Associate Appointment. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center. 2003-2005.


Rev. Canon George F. French Memorial Prize for Realistic Photography. Cooperstown Art Association. 2013.

Editor's Choice Award for the article Visual Archaeology: Studying Visual Change Through Time as Represented in the Covers of Uncle Tom's Cabin, with Tara R. Fee. 2012.

The following images have placed in various exhibitions:

  • White Sands
  • Abstract
  • Flare
  • de Chelly
  • Isle in the Sky
  • Route 12